Current projects • Translation and publication of original Buddhist Teachings. The Trust is supporting the publication of a full rendering of a classical Buddhist Chinese source text, the Transmission of the Lamp, into English. This will be the first complete translation of the text into any European language. The work consists of 30 books and to date a draft of the first 13 chapters is available. The Trust has so far funded a computer (including all relevant software) for this undertaking and source materials. • Funding training opportunities for Buddhist practitioners. A Bursary scheme has been set up. Initially this scheme was dedicated to providing bursaries for the Buddhist Society’s Summer School. It has recently been broadened to offer bursaries for any Buddhist related studies. It is open to all for whom the cost is prohibitive. • Funding publication of Buddhist material. The Trust is subsidising the publication of German translations of the work of Venerable Myokyo-ni, a Rinzai Zen nun. So far three books have been funded, one on the fundamentals of Buddhist practice entitled Living Buddhism, one containing teaching stories entitled Look and See and a new one entitled Yoka Daishi’s Realisation of the Way. •
Calligraphy workshops. Chinese calligraphy is one of the Ways through
which Buddhist practice has been taught in the East. A class at the
Buddhist Society focusing on a key Mahayana text, the Heart Sutra, is
being supported.
We are grateful to a number of people who have assisted the charity on a voluntary basis particularly providing support for publishing, layout and internet use. Donations
towards these projects would be much appreciated, and can be sent along
with enquiries to the following address: